December 2017
To give continuity of the history of the Group, Pierre Etienne Bindschedler, owner of Soprema, buys an authentic mammoth skeleton.

October 2017
Soprema Srl acquires Flag SpA (Chignolo d'Isola), Soprema Srl (Verolanuova) and Novaglass Srl (Salgareda).
The new Italian reality of Soprema offers a complete range of solutions for waterproofing and insulation.

Soprema Iberia acquires Texsa, Topox and Asfaltex.

Soprema inaugurates the 1st plant to produce synthetic coatings in China. The Technical Training Centre is instituted at the same time.

June 2016
Development of the bituminous waterproofing market in Italy with the acquisition of NOVAGLASS.

February 2016
The range of thermal insulation products in Switzerland is bigger thanks to the takeover of Pavatex.

October 2015
The new production plants enter production of:
Hof - Bituminous waterproofing membranes and polyurethane insulation in Germany
Drummondville - Polyurethane insulators in Canada
Savigny-sur-Clairis - Extruded polystyrene insulation materials in France

January 2015
Consolidation of the presence in Spain with the acquisition of the company ASFALTEX producer of bituminous surfaces.

January 2015
Expansion in Italy with the acquisition of SIRAP INSULATION, a historic manufacturer of materials for thermal and acoustic insulation.

January 2014
The expansion in Spain leads to the acquisition of Topox manufacturer of thermal insulating elements in extruded polystyrene.

January 2013
Continuing its international expansion, SOPREMA acquires TEXSA, a Spanish manufacturer of waterproof materials and products for construction and civil engineering.

January 2012
SOPREMA strengthens its presence in the North American market by acquiring the Canadian company Convoy SUPPLY LTD specialized in insulation and roofing materials.

February 2009
Acquisition of the company Efisol, founded in 1987, leader in France in the production of thermal insulation systems in polyurethane foam and foam material. There are 4 production plants, 3 of which are dedicated to the processing of Perlite and Vermiculite.

January 2009
SOPREMA develops an innovative combination of a compound and a new generation armor called Elium. Soprelium®, the first waterproof membrane that uses this new technology, allows to reduce the number of processing by applicators with a significant increase in productivity on site and a clear improvement in working conditions. The weight of the membrane per m2 is reduced by more than 35%, while the surface area of each roll increases at the same time by 25%.

January 2009
A new production plant in Sorgues starts service. Modern and highly automated, it guarantees the production of bituminous waterproofing membranes for the southern part of France.

The first Soprema plant in the Middle East goes into operation.

March 2007
The Dutchman Troelstra & De Vries joins the SOPREMA group.

February 2007
Soprema acquires the Italian company Flag SpA, a worldwide specialist in waterproofing synthetic surfaces. Soprema in this moment completes its range of waterproof products, becoming one of the few companies in the world that can offer the market every possible solution.

Soprema is the first French manufacturer to sell a double layer bituminous waterproofing system with integrated photovoltaic cells, designed to produce electricity from solar energy: SOPRASOLAR.

January 2006
Acquisition of the German company Klewa, specialized in the manufacture and sale of waterproof bituminous membranes. This strengthens the presence of Soprema in Central Europe.

January 2003
New factory open in Val de Reuil, in the Upper Normandy.

January 2001
Acquisition of BITAL, one of the leading Belgian manufacturers of waterproof membranes, which becomes SOPREMA NV.

January 2000
The second Canadian plant near Vancouver starts working, allowing Soprema to expand its markets also on the Pacific coasts of the American continent.

January 1999
Soprema invents Flashing®, a one-component polyurethane-bituminous resin. The installation is easy and fast, it is applied without the use of any primer, with the help of a roller or a wide brush, on all vertical elements. There are no impossible points for Flashing®.

January 1997
Soprema launches a range of waterproof liquid systems based on polyurethane resin: ALSAN. This waterproofing solution is immediately distinguished by its extreme ease of installation.

January 1993
The new Soprema manufacturing plant starts producing materials for the US market.

January 1992
Pierre GEISEN hands over the Company Management to his nephew, Pierre-Etienne BINDSCHEDLER.

January 1984
The development of sales in Canada led Soprema to open a factory in Quebec.

January 1984
Soprema invents a professional system for the realization of green roofs and hanging gardens: SOPRANATURE® . The use of this system allows to slow down the disposal of rainwater contributing, at the same time, to significantly increase the thermal and acoustic insulation of the building.

January 1975
Development of SOPRALENE, the first range of waterproof membranes based on SBS elastomer bitumen reinforced with a polyester nonwoven fabric. Exports increased, developing all over the world, with the creation of commercial branches in Europe Soprema points to North America.

January 1941
The Second World War forced the company to move again. This time in Avignon, where Pierre GEISEN built a new production plant and founded the "SOcietè des Produits et Revetements d'Etaincheité MAmmouth" (from whose acronym SOPREMA was born, means “SOciety of Products and Waterproof Coatings MAmmoth”).

January 1933
Pierre GEISEN, Engineer of the Central School of Arts and Manufactures and son of the founder of Soprema, takes over the management of the Company.
At the same time, he perfects the MAMMOTH by coating it with a thin aluminum foil in order to protect it from temperature changes, weather and ultraviolet rays, thus greatly increasing its durability.

January 1914
The First World War forced the company to move to Switzerland. A new company it’s created in Zurich.

January 1909
Charles GEISEN is looking for a waterproof, flexible, and easy-to-lay material.
He finds the solution by immersing a jute cloth in hot bitumen. The result is a light but solid cloth. This is how "MAMMOUTH" is invented.

January 1908
Charles GEISEN founds the "Alsatian Emulsion Factories" specialized in the production of liquid and mushy products for waterproofing, based on natural asphalt and tar.