The waterproofing of a building is of fundamental importance for preserving the entire structure and what is inside over time.
It cannot be the result of inadequate product choices or solutions dictated by cost, construction site or other needs, but must represent the prerequisite for guaranteeing the integrity of the roof over the years. Proper installation of waterproofing products is an essential condition for the efficiency and durability of the product.
Thanks to the experience gained in the sector, Soprema offers its customers Training Courses for applicators at the Chignolo d'Isola (Synthetic Roofing) and Salgareda (Bituminous Membranes and Liquid Waterproofing Products) offices.

Courses are held at our Chignolo d'Isola(Bergamo) and Salgareda(Treviso) offices and are held by our technicians.